Photo credit: Cecilio C. Tamarit

Zeki Hayran
PhD Candidate

Optics and Photonics Researcher

Fulbright Fellow

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cornell University


Welcome! I am a PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Cornell University, advised by Assist. Prof. Dr. Francesco Monticone. Prior to this, I completed my MS at TOBB University of Economics and Technology in Ankara, co-advised by Prof. Dr. Hamza Kurt—currently at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, South Korea—and by Prof. Dr. Kestutis Staliunas of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain.

My main interest lies in exploring time-varying photonics, non-Hermitian optics, and topological photonics. Over the course of my academic journey, I've contributed to 18 journal papers, with 11 where I took the lead as the first/co-first author. These contributions are featured in journals such as Optica, ACS Photonics, and Nature Communications. I have also been part of 26 conference proceedings and have had the opportunity to present my findings orally at 20 conferences, with 3 of these presentations being invited. This body of work has not only furthered knowledge in the field but has also attracted attention from media outlets like the Cornell Chronicle,, and In recognition of the impact of my research, I have received over 360 citations, and I am humbled by an h-index of 11.

But beyond the academic realm, I believe in the power of collaboration, mentorship, and the constant exchange of ideas. Working in diverse environments and engaging with experts across different domains has enriched my perspective and fostered a multidimensional approach to problem-solving.

When I take a break from research, I enjoy letting loose at the piano, playing my favorite tunes, or having a friendly match on the tennis court, appreciating the simple joy and camaraderie the game brings.

I invite you to explore other sections of this website to delve deeper into my academic and research achievements. For a detailed account, please refer to my CV.