
This section is designed to provide an in-depth guide on topics related to electromagnetism and photonics. Aimed at students, researchers, and anyone with an interest in these scientific fields, this section focuses on offering a comprehensive understanding that includes both theoretical concepts and practical applications.

Tutorials List

Why Perfect Absorbers Do Not Exist: A Tutorial on the Derivation of the Rozanov Limit

In this tutorial, we explore one of the key theoretical frameworks that addresses the limits of electromagnetic absorption: the Rozanov bound. This mathematical constraint gives us insights into how efficient an electromagnetic absorber can be, answering the critical question: Is there an upper limit to the amount of energy a material can absorb? Through rigorous derivation and explanations, this tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Rozanov bound, shedding light on its significance in the design of highly efficient absorbers for various applications.

The Bode-Fano Limit Explained: Derivation and Applications in Impedance Matching

coming soon...

Time Modulation in Photonics: An Overview of Photonic Time Crystals

coming soon...